Educators. Professionals. Mentors. Students.
The Alabama Mississippi Social Work (ALMSSW) is a community of the Council of Social Work (CSWE) accredited social work programs in Alabama and Mississippi.
Representatives from all 33-CSWE accredited social work programs in Alabama and Mississippi, as well as programs from surrounding states, participate in the annual conference. Many of these programs bring their students who participate in programming and seek out employment and further education opportunities.
The first three conferences were hosted by the University of Alabama. Starting in 1975, the conference was rotated among social work programs in the two states.
From 1969 to 1971, social work faculty from the Southern states met four times a year as part of a faculty development project of the Southern Regional Education Board. When the project ended, faculty from Alabama and Mississippi schools decided to form a conference so they could further the bonds they had developed.
Upcoming Conferences – Tentative Host Sites
2020 Samford University and The University of Montevallo: Birmingham, AL
2021 50th Annual Celebration: Meridian, MS
By The Numbers
Social Work